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Italian Lawyer in London | Coppolaw

Avvocato Giuseppe Coppola, owner of Coppolaw and Italian lawyer in London, talks about Italian lawyers in the world

Italian Lawyer in London and around the world.

Giuseppe Coppola, Italian lawyer in London and in the UK and founder of Coppolaw, discusses on the role of Italian Lawyers in London

Coppolaw is a law firm specializing in English law that primarily provides legal advice to Italian citizens living in England or the United Kingdom.

Its founder is Giuseppe Coppola, Italian lawyer in London and in the UK, who has spoken about the presence of Italian lawyers in England and around the world.

“I believe it is very important for an Italian living abroad to know they can rely on a professional who is specialized in the law of that country, especially since Italians often prefer to turn to their fellow countrymen, mainly due to language reasons, such as an Italian lawyer in London.

This applies not only to England but also to any other country, like the United States of America, where many Italians tend to seek and rely on an Italian lawyer to solve their legal matters.

This is not just true for lawyers but also for any other professional, such as an accountant, an architect, or a doctor.

The case of a doctor is very significant; in fact, many clients living in England often tell me that they would prefer to have an Italian doctor because of the language, which allows them to feel more comfortable. It’s very important tho have an Italian Lawyer in London.

Hearing someone who speaks your language and knows your culture abroad is something that helps compatriots because it makes them feel more at home.

For this reason, even in the legal field, many Italians in the United Kingdom seek out Italian lawyer in London.

After all, I think the same can be said for citizens of other countries, who often look for a professional from their own country.

The multicultural nature of cities like London or New York certainly helps in finding professionals who are fellow nationals.

We can see how large the Italian community in New York is, and thus, within this community, it is easy to find a trusted professional among fellow Italians.

A few days ago, I was speaking with a client who lives in Brazil, who confided in me that he prefers to surround himself with professionals originally from Italy, which is relatively easy in Brazil, given the strong Italian community there.

However, this is also noticeable in Italy, in smaller towns, where it is often said that people prefer a professional from their own town rather than one from a neighboring area. After all, Italy has historically been a country made up of many small municipalities, and every resident inevitably feels a connection with their territory, their land, and their fellow citizens.

‘Campanilismo’ is a very Italian concept described in dictionaries as a strong attachment to one’s own town and its customs.

This can also be found among Italians living abroad, who often, understandably, prefer to turn to an Italian professional to feel more at home.

Personally, I feel the same way, and I love my compatriots, with whom I identify in every way and in every way of thinking. After all, as a famous Italian advertisement from the 1990s used to say, ‘C’è più gusto ad essere italiani’

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Avv.Giuseppe Coppola | Italian Lawyer in London | Coppolaw

Italian Lawyer in London, avvocato Giuseppe Coppola | Coppolaw

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